Lifestyle – the 12 people you NEED in your LIFE

I AM NOT A WEAK PERSON although I can be kind of needy at times.  But at least I’m not alone and Barbra was right…People who need people are the neediest luckiest people in the world. people2

When it comes right down to relationships I heard this quote from a strong woman I met many years ago in New York – designer Diane von Furstenberg:

 the most important relationship you’ll ever have is the one you have with yourself – DVF

However true that may be we do need others to offer support and enhance our lives.  Those who love us, encourage us, guide us, instruct us and assist us. And let’s admit that that is not always so easy to obtain.  So here’s the ROUNDUP of the my twelve most needed people in your life which was inspired by an article written for It’s a lovely life….beginning with:people1

  1. Significant Other or SO (I prefer this term over Spouse, Partner, Boyfriend/Girlfriend, etc.). I’m no role model but I think the journey is a lot more pleasant with someone close by your side.  You don’t have to be married to your SO but it should be as healthy and solid a relationship as possible.  It’s not always easy but when it works out it’s the best thing.  And it helps to have common interests and a comfort zone.  For instance, I don’t smoke and am allergic to smoke so I prefer not to be around someone who does.  Also I’m well aware that many of us don’t have a so-called significant other.  In that case then, a good trusted friend is the next best thing.  Or a dog. Sometimes even better as they offer unconditional love.  At least they don’t talk back and the only smoking dog I knew of in my city no longer exists (it was a French restaurant in Vancouver).  Okay, dog makes the list of people we need! One of my SO’s is very furry!
  1. Family Doctor – You need a good doctor that knows you and your medical history. A family doctor will be able to help you because he knows you personally and knows your medical history.
  2. Dentist – for obvious reasons. Teeth upkeep is of the utmost importance because if we don’t look after them properly our teeth can interfere with our overall health, not to mention the exorbitant cost if something goes wrong.  I make sure to go twice a year for cleaning and general maintenance (sometimes a home whitening touch up too).
  3. Lawyer – No one really wants an attorney/lawyer in their life. The circumstances for hiring a lawyer are rarely pleasant, but not knowing who to call to help you with legal issues is even less pleasant. A good lawyer contact is definitely someone you need in your life.
  4. Counselor/Therapist  for a shoulder to cry on. There are times when you need help. Whether for your marriage, children, life decisions, or just working through your own issues, have a good counselor you can go to who will listen and also give good guidance. They don’t always have to be paid professionals, but a professional counselor would be good too. I’m lucky that one of my best friends just happens to be a professional counsellor however at times we help counsel each other.
  5. Best Friend – You need a good, close friend who knows you in your life. Someone who will laugh and cry with you. Someone who has your back and you have theirs. Best friends don’t have to talk every day, but they know when to step in and be there for you and with you.
  6. Hairstylist (can also double as counsellor or bartender) – An easy way to ruin your day is with a bad haircut. A good hairstylist can put you at ease and help you feel and look great! Finding a new hairdresser is hard.  Just like men/women and dating sites, there are tons of hair salons & stylists out there, but few great ones. Hang on to those good ones! 
  7. Role Model/Mentor (could be your hairdresser?) – Role Models don’t have to be TV stars or superheroes and aren’t just for kids. They can be an older couple with a great marriage who have done a good job raising their kids or someone with drive and success you admire. Give yourself a good role model to follow. Remember: You don’t have to BE them. Just LEARN from them.
  8. Accountability Partner – (could be a best friend or SO) – No one likes to be bugged and held accountable for things in our lives. But sometimes we need someone who will take on the job of encouraging us and pushing us to keep to the goals and decisions we made. They can’t be afraid to confront us when we stop or push us to go a little further then we think we can. Accountability partners can help keep us on track with a new diet, quitting smoking, drinking, saving money, and so much more.
  9. Mechanic – If you have a car, then you need a mechanic. There are so many mechanics out there that either don’t know what they are doing or will charge you for things you do not need. Make friends with a good mechanic! Know that you have someone qualified and reliable to help you keep your vehicle in good working condition.
  10. Handyman (or men) – (aka professional renovator). In my post the other day I mentioned my handyman (Bill) who could repair anything.  To be correct, he’s not mine personally, I selflessly share him with another friend.  But my friend read my post and corrected me: He’s not just a handyman, he’s a professional renovator.  Also, if anyone out there wants him, he’s not available. You may be able to tinker around and beg your dad or boyfriend to help fix a minor plumbing problem or broken outlet. Know a good handyman who can do the big repairs. If your furnace breaks in the middle of winter you will be very glad to have a handyman in your life!
  11. Neighbours (love thy neighbour; maybe not literally) – I’m talking good neighbours and at least one trusted one. One that has an extra key to your place in case of an emergency and who will look out for your place or water your plants and take your mail when you go away. Once I had a neighbour call to alert me that I had left my key in the door.  But again I lucked out because my next door neighbour has become like a member of the family. Many neighbours past and present have become lifelong friends.

Who else would you add to your list of people you must have in your life?

#13 - Dance Partner
#13 – Dance Partner?